Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Amazing Maasai Ultra

September 28th Chris ran in the Amazing Maasai Ultra race (half marathon) about 3 hours north of the cottage where we were staying. The race proceeds help educate maasai girls who too often miss out on education to their brothers when their families have to choose who they can afford to send.  There are many stories to tell from the weekend and I am ever impressed by Chris' ability to get right in there and make things happen but those will have to wait for a another day.  For now we'll let the photos tell the story.  

Henry trying on traditional maasai shoes made from old tires

maasai warriors

our bush campsite

Our guard Samuel kept an eye out for wildlife during the race

Working the aid station the boys and I suddenly heard the locals around excitedly saying, "mzungu mzungu" and looked up to see Chris coming. He was the first non maasai on the course.  I responded "that's my mzungu!!"  We were very proud!

Note the running shoes

This lady from the states came and spent 3 months in Kenya helping train the girls at Daraja school for the race.

Emily one of the "Amazing Maasai Girls" and our assistant at the aid station

Jacinda, the nurse at our aid station is maasai and was married at 13 to a 60 year old man.  After 11 days she ran away and found herself in the care of an Italian woman who put her through school ultimately leading to her career as a nurse.  A total success story. Education makes all the difference.

Camels are kept for milk

View of the camp

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